Pink, Green and Yellow

Pink_Green Stash 

The new color group for Project Spectrum started this month. Pink, green and yellow, the colors of spring.  I don’t have a huge pink and green stash, and practically no yellow (it’s not a flattering color on me).  But there are a few things I’m thinking about tackling during the next two months.  Unfortunately I still have a couple Blue things on the needles.



A blue scarf for my oldest son.  I’m knitting it in Knit Picks Decadence in a Brioche stitch and it seems to be going on forever.

And this:


This is Sonnet from Knitty.  It’s a very old WIP and I’m hoping to finish it soon.  Naturally, these unfinished projects aren’t enough to keep me from starting new ones.  I swatched this morning for a shrug with a lovely pink merino/alpaca yarn, and I want to start my green socks.  Plus, the astute among you may have noticed a couple green WIP in the stash.  The Wool Peddlers Shawl (from this book) is almost done.  I stalled out because there’s a mistake in one of the lace rows.  I’m in the middle of ripping it back a row to see if I can find it (It’s a loooong row.  I took a little break.)  And the Irish Hiking Scarf  is about half done.  The yarn is Malabrigo in a gorgeous shade of green.  It’ll be a race, though, to see if I can finish it before the motivation to knit wool fades in the face of spring.

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